Catholic Art
by Canvas Replicas
888.284.9671 ~ ~ Riverton, Utah
For over 15 years Canvas Replicas has been providing the worldwide Catholic community
with traditional art from the Masters. Whether it's an oversized piece or a small rendition,
you can commission it from Canvas Replicas. Please call 888.284.9671 (801.446.1239 for
International calls) or email and let us know how we can serve
you. Below are some samples of our work.
Virgin in Prayer - Sassoferrato 26 W x 34 H inches |
Calling of St Matthew - Caravaggio 70 W x 70 H inches |
Doubting Thomas - Caravaggio 57.5 W x 46 H inches (Original size) |
Our Mother of Perpetual Help 16 W x 20 H inches |
Betrayal of Christ - Caravaggio 65 W x 40 H inches |
Blue Madonna - Carlo Dolci 36 W x 48 H inches |
Marriage of the Virgin - Raffaello Raphael Sanzio 18 W x 28 H inches |
For more information on our oil paintings please call 888.284.9671
or email us at
Please spend some time roaming our other galleries.
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Canvas Replicas ships internationally to countries including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Dubai UAE, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.
All Rights Reserved to Canvas Replicas. 2016, 2017